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Logging Function Specification


The logging function outputs a series of internal operations of EAUploader to a log file, providing developers with an easy way to view them. This feature is provided to facilitate faster troubleshooting by developers.


  1. Log File GUID: Refers to the GUID assigned by EAUploader to each log file, which is used by developers to identify the submitted log file.
  2. EAU Log: Refers to logs that are of the EAU log type.
  3. EAU Log Output Method: Refers to the method used to output EAU logs.

This feature provides the following functionalities.

Logging Function

Start and End Triggers for Logging Function

During EAUploader startup, logs are continuously outputted.

Logging Scope

All logs displayed in the Unity Console are outputted to the log file. Additionally, logs are also outputted when the EAU log output method is called.

Log File Format and Storage Location

The log files generated by this feature are stored in the EAUploaderLog folder directly under the Unity project folder.

The maximum capacity for log files stored in the EAUploaderLog folder is 100MB. If the log file size exceeds 100MB and an attempt is made to append logs, the oldest log file will be deleted until the capacity is below 100MB.

The unit of log file output is from EAUploader startup to EAUploader shutdown. The naming format for log files is YYYY-MM-DD-1.log. YYYY-MM-DD represents the date (in UTC) when the log file was generated, and -[number] represents the number of times EAUploader was started on the same day. For example, a log file named 2024-04-22-3.log indicates that it was generated during the third startup of EAUploader on April 22, 2024.

Logs Outputted during EAUploader Startup

During EAUploader startup, environment information, date (in UTC), and the log file GUID are outputted.

Log Output Format

Logs are outputted in the following format:


  1. Timestamp
  • Outputs the time (in UTC) when the log was generated in the format hh:mm:ss .fff.
  • Represents the log type. The types are as follows:
    • LOG: Normal log. General log level.
    • WNG: Warning log.
    • ERR: Error log.
    • EXP: Exception log.
    • AST: Assert log.
    • EAU: EAU log.
  • The body of the log message.
  • The location where the log was outputted. For ERR and EXP, the trace log is displayed.

EAU Log Output Method

When the EAU log output method is called, an EAU log is outputted. EAU logs are used to record the operations of EAUploader in the log file.

Log Report Sending Function

Trigger for Sending Function

Users can send log files to developers by clicking the “View Log Report” button displayed on the home screen. In this feature, the latest log file in the log folder will be sent.

Transition to Sending Function Screen

After clicking the “View Log Report” button, a dialog box will be displayed to confirm whether the user wants to send the log file.

If the user clicks the button indicating the intention to send in the aforementioned dialog box, the log file sending process will be executed. If the user closes the dialog box by clicking the “X” button, the log file sending process will not be executed, and the user will be redirected to the home screen.

If the log file sending process is successful, the user will be shown a completion message and the log file GUID. If the log file sending process fails, the user will be shown a message indicating the failure.