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Environment Setup

You can set up the development environment using the following steps.

  1. Create an empty Avatar project in VCC (VRChat Creator Companion).

  2. Note: If you have already installed EAUploader in VCC using the method for general users, make sure that Easy Avatar Uploader for VRChat is Not Installed in Manage Packages.

  3. Create a folder named tech.uslog.eauploader under the Packages folder in the Unity project you created.

  4. In the folder created in the previous step, enter the following commands:

  5. git clone .

  6. Note: Do not forget the dot. If you forget the dot, another folder will be created under the tech.uslog.eauploader folder, and EAUploader will not work properly.

  7. Restart the Unity project, and if the EAUploader window appears automatically, the development environment has been set up.

There is no special build process required for Unity extension development. When you make changes to the source code, Unity will automatically build it.